More about our Service families
The UK Armed Forces Strategy 2022-32 recognises the diverse range of family relationships and situations that exist in the armed
forces community. These include those in couple relationships with and without children.
Since the strategy launched in January 2022, we've used feedback and suggestions from Service families to make improvements.
This includes reviewing policies to better support and nurture family life and embrace modern family structures
About this survey
Currently, the Armed Forces Families Continuous Attitude Survey is only open to those who are married/in a civil partnership with a member of the UK regular Armed Forces.
The MOD is keen to capture views from other types of families.
This pilot survey aims to find out if an online survey could be used to capture views of those in long term/established relationships with Service personnel.
As such, it is vital we get enough responses from those in couple relationships to show this is possible
Can I take part?
This survey is for those who are in a long term/ established relationship with member of the Regular Armed Forces,
but not married/in a civil partnership.
The survey is open to both Serving and non-serving partners of Serving personnel.
This tab contains additional information about the survey, please return to the previous screen to proceed. You will find this labelled 'LTR Surveys'.